2021-11-12 09:31:09 +01:00
<!doctype html> < html lang = en > < head > < meta charset = utf-8 > < meta name = viewport content = "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" > < meta property = "og:title" content = "Math Typesetting" > < meta property = "og:description" content = "A brief guide to setup KaTeX" > < meta property = "og:type" content = "article" > < meta property = "og:url" content = "http://h.xjj.pub/math-typesetting/" > < meta property = "article:section" content > < meta property = "article:published_time" content = "2021-07-18T10:52:59+08:00" > < meta property = "article:modified_time" content = "2021-07-18T10:52:59+08:00" > < meta name = twitter:card content = "summary" > < meta name = twitter:title content = "Math Typesetting" > < meta name = twitter:description content = "A brief guide to setup KaTeX" > < meta name = theme-color media = "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" content = "#ffffff" > < meta name = theme-color media = "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" content = "#262d33" > < title > Hi Folks - Math Typesetting< / title > < link rel = "shortcut icon" href = /favicon.ico type = image/x-icon > < link rel = preconnect href = https://fonts.googleapis.com > < link rel = preconnect href = https://fonts.gstatic.com crossorigin > < link href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Serif+SC:wght@400;500;600;700&display=swap" rel = stylesheet > < link rel = stylesheet href = /minima.1636705868.css > < script defer type = text/javascript src = /minima.1636705868.js > < / script > < / head > < script > try { 'theme' in localStorage || ( localStorage . theme = window . matchMedia ( '(prefer-color-scheme: dark)' ) . matches ? 'dark' : 'light' ) , document . querySelector ( 'html' ) . classList . add ( localStorage . theme ) } catch ( a ) { console . error ( a ) } < / script > < body class = "sm:mx-5 sm:my-0" > < header class = "flex justify-between items-center sm:my-3" > < div class = "flex items-center" > < div id = theme-switcher class = "text-4xl cursor-pointer" > 🌝< / div > < / div > < nav class = "flex items-center
2021-09-11 06:07:36 +02:00
whitespace-nowrap overflow-x-auto overflow-y-hidden">< a class = ml-5 href = / > Home< / a >
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2021-11-06 08:30:00 +01:00
< a class = ml-5 href = /about > About< / a > < / nav > < / header > < h1 class = "mt-8 mb-6" > Math Typesetting< / h1 > < div class = "mb-3 text-xs flex justify-between sm:flex-col" > < div > Posted at — Jul 18, 2021< / div > < / div > < main > < p > A brief guide to setup KaTeX< / p > < article class = md > < p > Mathematical notation in a Hugo project can be enabled by using third party JavaScript libraries.< / p > < p > In this example we will be using < a href = https://katex.org/ > KaTeX< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Create a partial under < code > /layouts/partials/math.html< / code > < / li > < li > Within this partial reference the < a href = https://katex.org/docs/autorender.html > Auto-render Extension< / a > or host these scripts locally.< / li > < li > Include the partial in your templates like so:< / li > < / ul > < div class = highlight > < div class = chroma > < table class = lntable > < tr > < td class = lntd > < pre class = chroma > < code > < span class = lnt > 1
2021-08-23 16:21:24 +02:00
< / span > < span class = lnt > 2
< / span > < span class = lnt > 3
< / span > < / code > < / pre > < / td > < td class = lntd > < pre class = chroma > < code class = language-bash data-lang = bash > < span class = o > {{< / span > < span class = k > if< / span > or .Params.math .Site.Params.math < span class = o > }}< / span >
< span class = o > {{< / span > partial < span class = s2 > " math.html" < / span > . < span class = o > }}< / span >
< span class = o > {{< / span > end < span class = o > }}< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div > < ul > < li > To enable KaTex globally set the parameter < code > math< / code > to < code > true< / code > in a project’ s configuration< / li > < li > To enable KaTex on a per page basis include the parameter < code > math: true< / code > in content files< / li > < / ul > < p > < strong > Note:< / strong > Use the online reference of < a href = https://katex.org/docs/supported.html > Supported TeX Functions< / a > < / p > < h3 id = examples > Examples< / h3 > < p > Block math:
\varphi = 1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\cdots} } }
2021-11-06 08:30:00 +01:00
$$< / p > < / article > < / main > < link rel = stylesheet href = https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.11/dist/katex.min.css integrity = sha384-Um5gpz1odJg5Z4HAmzPtgZKdTBHZdw8S29IecapCSB31ligYPhHQZMIlWLYQGVoc crossorigin = anonymous > < script defer src = https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.11/dist/katex.min.js integrity = sha384-YNHdsYkH6gMx9y3mRkmcJ2mFUjTd0qNQQvY9VYZgQd7DcN7env35GzlmFaZ23JGp crossorigin = anonymous > < / script > < script defer src = https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.11/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js integrity = sha384-vZTG03m+2yp6N6BNi5iM4rW4oIwk5DfcNdFfxkk9ZWpDriOkXX8voJBFrAO7MpVl crossorigin = anonymous > < / script > < script > document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , function ( ) { renderMathInElement ( document . body , { delimiters : [ { left : '$$' , right : '$$' , display : ! 0 } , { left : '$' , right : '$' , display : ! 1 } , { left : '\\(' , right : '\\)' , display : ! 1 } , { left : '\\[' , right : '\\]' , display : ! 0 } ] , throwOnError : ! 1 } ) } ) < / script > < footer class = "mt-8 flex sm:flex-col-reverse justify-between items-center" > < p class = "mt-0 text-sm" > © XJJ 2021 |
2021-09-11 06:07:36 +02:00
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