baseURL: languageCode: en-us title: Hugo on Minima copyright: © 2020-2023 X googleAnalytics: # paginate specifies the maximum number of posts displayed on the home page. paginate: 12 # theme specifies the name of the theme to be used. theme: hugo-theme-minima # defaultContentLanguage specifies the default language to use. defaultContentLanguage: en # setup languages: en: languageName: EN # will be displayed in the navbar. weight: 1 zh-cn: languageName: 简中 # will be displayed in the navbar. weight: 2 author: status: 目前住在地球 🌍 description: | 这是 Minima, 一个简洁的 Hugo 主题,移植自 [Hexo Minima](。 支持深色模式、多语言、数学公式、流程图、代码语法高亮,当然还有分类、标签、系列等等。 params: greet: 你好 :) # author specifies your name, a slogon and your brief self-introduction. author: name: X status: Currently living on Earth 🌍 description: | This is Minima, a clean and minimal Hugo theme porting from [Hexo Minima]( It has supports for dark mode, multilingual mode, math formulas, flowcharts, syntax highlighting, and of course taxonomies like categories, tags, and series. params: # greet specifies greeting words. greet: Hello :) # subtitle speficies a subtitle displayed right after the site title. subtitle: # switch specifies two emojis used as the button toggling color themes. switch: ["🌚", "🌝"] # minima has one dark theme and multiple light themes. defaultTheme specifies # a default light theme to use. currently available options: light, sand, rock, system. defaultTheme: light # displayDate speficies whether or not to display post date on the home page. displayDate: true # displayDescription specifies whether or not to display post description on # the hoem page. displayDescription: true # selectable specifies if or not your post content can be selected. selectable: true # social is an array containing as many as social accounts to be displayed # in the buttom of every page. social: - name: "twitter" url: "" - name: "email" url: "" - name: "github" url: "" - name: "rss" url: "/index.xml" # math plugin math: enable: false provider: katex # diagram plugin diagram: enable: false provider: mermaid # comment plugin comment: enable: true provider: giscus # check out disqus: shortname: hugo-minima # check out utterances: repo: mivinci/hugo-theme-minima issueTerm: pathname label: comment # check out giscus: repo: mivinci/hugo-theme-minima repoId: MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzODcxMjM2NDU= category: Comments categoryId: DIC_kwDOFxMJvc4CScQm mapping: pathname inputPosition: buttom # bottom | top reactions: true metadata: false # search plugin search: enable: true provider: fuse title: Search placeholder: Enter keywords # check out fuse: keys: - title - permalink - summary - content distance: 100 location: 0 threshold: 0.6 ignoreLocation: false isCaseSensitive: false includeScore: false includeMatches: false minMatchCharLength: 1 shouldSort: true findAllMatches: false # menu.main is an array containing what is used as the navigator. menu: main: - identifier: tags name: Tags weight: 1 - identifier: series name: Series weight: 2 - identifier: search name: 🔍 weight: 3 # taxonomies defines ways to classify yout posts. Below are some presets that # most bloggers use, so you can replace them with whatever you like. taxonomies: category: categories tag: tags series: series # outputs tells Hugo the kind of files to be rendered. outputs: home: - HTML - RSS - JSON # markup.highlight has two keys set to make sure that the syntax highlighting # in your posts are rendered correctly, so DO NOT edit them. markup: highlight: lineNos: true noClasses: false