diff --git a/zh-CN/HORIZONS/12-SYMBIOTIC-Arker.lrc b/zh-CN/HORIZONS/12-SYMBIOTIC-Arker.lrc index 39c1c05..ac46fa7 100644 --- a/zh-CN/HORIZONS/12-SYMBIOTIC-Arker.lrc +++ b/zh-CN/HORIZONS/12-SYMBIOTIC-Arker.lrc @@ -1,190 +1,66 @@ -[ti:symbiotic] -[ar:STARSET] -[al:HORIZONS] -[by:arker] - - -[ml:1.0][ver:v1.0] - - - - -[00:00.00] torn,into pieces - -[00:06:00]破碎,化为灰烬 - -[00:06:00]I was seeking what could bring me back to life - -[00:09:87]我于海中捞针,乞求将它填补 - -[00:09:87]and i swore,there were voices - -[00:15:70]我的誓言,掷地有声 - -[00:15:70]saying stop pretending,you will never feel alive - -[00:20.97]“放下伪装吧,你会感到无比真实” - -[00:20.97]and then you came - - -[00:23.72]然后你向我走来 -[00:23.72]it was some synergy - -[00:25.88]你我携手共进 -[00:25.88]had fallen in place - -[00:29.11]落入滚滚尘世 -[00:29.11]of everything missing in me - -[00:31.30]填补我缺失的内心 -[00:31.30]shine your love,show your light - -[00:34.27]你的大爱,宛如圣光 -[00:34.27]pull me out from the endless night - -[00:36.51]将我拉出这茫茫黑夜 -[00:36.51]it's something cosmic - -[00:39.36]你无处不在 -[00:39.36]it's symbiotic - -[00:41.99]你我本是同源 -[00:41.99]take my hate,take my fight - -[00:44.58]消除了我的怨恨,平息了我的纷争 -[00:44.58]take away all the pain i hide - -[00:47.27]洗刷了虚假皮囊下的受难之心 -[00:47.27]cause i can't stop it - -[00:50.34]你不可阻挡 -[00:50.34]it's symbiotic - -[00:53.46]你我同生同源 -[00:53.46]send,me a lifeline - -[00:57.33]当我被困难重重围困时 -[00:57.33]when i don't seem to be finding better days - -[01:02.59]请让我看到未来的曙光 -[01:02.59]lend,me a day light - -[01:08.78]我需要,明日的耀阳 -[01:08.78]and when you're trapped inside the rain i'll do the same - -[01:13.98]当你身陷风雨,我将如法炮制 -[01:13.98]something so strange - -[01:16.77]何其之奇怪 -[01:16.77]everytime you walk away - -[01:19.54]每当你离我而去 -[01:19.54]the energy fades - -[01:22.00]我的力量随之流逝 -[01:22.00]until you come back to me - -[01:24.46]直到你重回我的身旁 -[01:24.46]shine your love,show your light - -[01:27.26]你的大爱,宛如圣光 -[01:27.26]pull me out from the endless night - -[01:29.72]将我拉出这茫茫黑夜 -[01:29.72]it's something cosmic - -[01:32.31]你无处不在 -[01:32.31]it's symbiotic - -[01:35.29]你我本是同源 -[01:35.29]take my hate,take my fight - -[01:37.89]消除了我的怨恨,平息了我的纷争 -[01:37.89]take awway all the pain i hide - -[01:40.56]治愈了我虚假皮囊下的受难之心 -[01:40.56]cause i can't stop it - -[01:43.13]你不可阻挡 -[01:43.13]it's symbiotic - -[01:48.95]你我同生同源 -[01:48.95](symbiotic) - -[01:54.45]你我同生同源 -[01:54.45](symbiotic) - - -[01:56.60]你我同生同源 -[01:56.60] So shine,my ship is adrift in the night - -[02:04.38]请将天空照亮吧!我不愿陷身与漆黑的波涛 -[02:04.38]Need the flame only you have inside - -[02:09.25]燃烧你的烈火,蒸发这片海洋 -[02:09.25]When I’m stuck out on the darkest side - - - -[02:14.80]每当我困在这最黑暗的领域 -[02:14.80] Only you reignite me - -[02:18.27]只有你能让我死灰复燃 -[02:18.27]shine your love,show your light - -[02:20.21]你的大爱,宛如圣光 -[02:20.21]pull me out from the endless night - -[02:22.47]将我拉出这茫茫黑夜 -[02:22.47]it's something cosmic - -[02:24.87]你无处不在 -[02:24.87]it's symbiotic - -[02:27.33]你我本是同源 -[02:27.33]take my hate,take my fight - -[02:30.20]消除了我的怨恨,平息了我的纷争 -[02:30.20]take away all the pain i hide - -[02:32.75]治愈了我虚假皮囊下的受难之心 -[02:32.75]cause i can't stop it - -[02:35.57]你不可阻挡 -[02:35.57]it's symbiotic - -[02:38.59]你我同生同源 -[02:38.59]shine your love,show your light - -[02:40.78]你的大爱,宛如圣光 -[02:40.78]pull me out from the endless night - -[02:43.21]将我拉出这茫茫黑夜 -[02:43.21]it's something cosmic - -[02:46.04]你无处不在 -[02:46.04]it's symbiotic - -[02:49.06]你我本是同源 -[02:49.06]take my hate,take my fight - -[02:50.94]消除了我的怨恨,平息了我的纷争 -[02:50.94]take away all the pain i hide - -[02:53.65]治愈了我虚假皮囊下的受难之心 -[02:53.65]cause i can't stop it - -[02:56.17]你不可阻挡 -[02:56.17]it's symbiotic - -[03:02.83]你我同生同源 -[03:02.83](symbiotic) - -[03:03.83]你我本是同源 -[03:03.83](symbiotic) - -[04:00:00]你我本是同源 -[04:00:00] - - +[ti: SYMBIOTIC] +[ar: STARSET] +[al: HORIZONS] +[by: Arker] +[00:00.290] 鐮寸锛屽寲涓虹伆鐑 +[00:04.876] 鎴戜簬娴蜂腑鎹為拡锛屼篂姹傚皢瀹冨~琛 +[00:10.306] 鎴戠殑瑾撹█锛屾幏鍦版湁澹 +[00:15.422] 鈥滄斁涓嬩吉瑁呭惂锛屼綘浼氭劅鍒版棤姣旂湡瀹炩 +[00:20.999] 鐒跺悗浣犲悜鎴戣蛋鏉 +[00:23.844] 浣犳垜鎼烘墜鍏辫繘 +[00:26.527] 钀藉叆婊氭粴灏樹笘 +[00:28.869] 濉ˉ鎴戠己澶辩殑鍐呭績 +[00:31.881] 浣犵殑澶х埍 +[00:33.194] 瀹涘鍦e厜 +[00:34.512] 灏嗘垜鎷夊嚭杩欒尗鑼粦澶 +[00:37.074] 浣犳棤澶勪笉鍦 +[00:39.542] 浣犳垜鏈槸鍚屾簮 +[00:42.509] 娑堥櫎浜嗘垜鐨勬ㄦ仺 +[00:43.772] 骞虫伅浜嗘垜鐨勭悍浜 +[00:44.940] 娲楀埛浜嗚櫄鍋囩毊鍥婁笅鐨勫彈闅句箣蹇 +[00:47.384] 浣犱笉鍙樆鎸 +[00:50.065] 浣犳垜鍚岀敓鍚屾簮 +[00:53.276] 褰撴垜琚洶闅鹃噸閲嶅洿鍥版椂 +[00:58.034] 璇疯鎴戠湅鍒版湭鏉ョ殑鏇欏厜 +[01:04.431] 鎴戦渶瑕侊紝鏄庢棩鐨勮闃 +[01:08.654] 褰撲綘韬櫡椋庨洦锛屾垜灏嗗娉曠偖鍒 +[01:14.351] 浣曞叾涔嬪鎬 +[01:17.046] 姣忓綋浣犵鎴戣屽幓 +[01:19.625] 鎴戠殑鍔涢噺闅忎箣娴侀 +[01:22.593] 鐩村埌浣犻噸鍥炴垜鐨勮韩鏃 +[01:25.070] 浣犵殑澶х埍 +[01:26.429] 瀹涘鍦e厜 +[01:27.673] 灏嗘垜鎷夊嚭杩欒尗鑼粦澶 +[01:30.122] 浣犳棤澶勪笉鍦 +[01:33.043] 浣犳垜鏈槸鍚屾簮 +[01:35.705] 娑堥櫎浜嗘垜鐨勬ㄦ仺 +[01:36.964] 骞虫伅浜嗘垜鐨勭悍浜 +[01:38.179] 娌绘剤浜嗘垜铏氬亣鐨泭涓嬬殑鍙楅毦涔嬪績 +[01:40.713] 浣犱笉鍙樆鎸 +[01:43.388] 浣犳垜鍚岀敓鍚屾簮 +[01:48.403] 浣犳垜鍚岀敓鍚屾簮 +[01:56.532] 璇峰皢澶╃┖鐓т寒鍚э紒鎴戜笉鎰块櫡韬笌婕嗛粦鐨勬尝娑 +[02:04.226] 鐕冪儳浣犵殑鐑堢伀锛岃捀鍙戣繖鐗囨捣娲 +[02:09.376] 姣忓綋鎴戝洶鍦ㄨ繖鏈榛戞殫鐨勯鍩 +[02:14.449] 鍙湁浣犺兘璁╂垜姝荤伆澶嶇噧 +[02:17.506] 浣犵殑澶х埍 +[02:18.863] 瀹涘鍦e厜 +[02:20.135] 灏嗘垜鎷夊嚭杩欒尗鑼粦澶 +[02:22.688] 浣犳棤澶勪笉鍦 +[02:25.253] 浣犳垜鏈槸鍚屾簮 +[02:28.027] 娑堥櫎浜嗘垜鐨勬ㄦ仺 +[02:29.316] 骞虫伅浜嗘垜鐨勭悍浜 +[02:30.607] 娌绘剤浜嗘垜铏氬亣鐨泭涓嬬殑鍙楅毦涔嬪績 +[02:33.258] 浣犱笉鍙樆鎸 +[02:35.847] 浣犳垜鍚岀敓鍚屾簮 +[02:38.637] 浣犵殑澶х埍 +[02:39.903] 瀹涘鍦e厜 +[02:41.108] 灏嗘垜鎷夊嚭杩欒尗鑼粦澶 +[02:43.680] 浣犳棤澶勪笉鍦 +[02:46.427] 浣犳垜鏈槸鍚屾簮 +[02:49.172] 娑堥櫎浜嗘垜鐨勬ㄦ仺 +[02:50.332] 骞虫伅浜嗘垜鐨勭悍浜 +[02:51.547] 娌绘剤浜嗘垜铏氬亣鐨泭涓嬬殑鍙楅毦涔嬪績 +[02:53.976] 浣犱笉鍙樆鎸 +[02:56.722] 浣犳垜鍚岀敓鍚屾簮 +[03:02.130] (浣犳垜鏈槸鍚屾簮) \ No newline at end of file